Name: William Edward Skivington, Jr.
Rank/Branch: E3/US Army
Unit: 2nd Battalion, 3rd Infantry, 199th Infantry Brigade [Military Records]
[Recon, Co E, 2/1, 196th LIB - see note below]
Date of Birth: 05 July 1948 (Chicago IL)
Home City of Record: Las Vegas NV
Date of Loss: 12 May 1968
Country of Loss: South Vietnam
Loss Coordinates: 152630N 1074806E (ZC005090)
Status (in 1973): Missing in Action
Category: 2
Aircraft/Vehicle/Ground: Ground
Refno: 1171
Source: Compiled from one or more of the following: raw data from U.S.
Government agency sources, correspondence with POW/MIA families,
published sources, interviews. Updated by the P.O.W. NETWORK in 1999.
Personnel in Incident: Ngok Tavak: Horace H. Fleming; Thomas J. Blackman;
Joseph F. Cook; Paul S. Czerwonka; Thomas W. Fritsch; Barry L. Hempel;
Raymond T. Heyne; Gerald E. King; Robert C. Lopez; William D. McGonigle;
Donald W. Mitchell; James R. Sargent (members of USMC search team - all
missing); Glenn E. Miller; Thomas H. Perry (USSF teammembers - missing);
Kham Duc: Richard E. Sands (missing from CH47); Bernard L. Bucher; Frank M.
Hepler; George W. Long; John L. McElroy; Stephan C. Moreland (USAF crew of
C130 - all missing); Warren R. Orr (USSF on C130 - missing); Harry B. Coen;
Andrew J. Craven; Juan M. Jimenez; Frederick J. Ransbottom; Maurice H.
Moore; Joseph L. Simpson; William E. Skivington; John C. Stuller; Imlay S.
Widdison; Danny L. Widner; Roy C. Williams (all missing); Julius W. Long
(released POW).
SYNOPSIS: Kham Duc Special Forces camp (A-105), was located on the western
fringes of Quang Tin ("Great Faith") Province, South Vietnam. In the spring
of 1968, it was the only remaining border camp in Military Region I. Backup
responsibility for the camp fell on the 23rd Infantry Division (Americal),
based at Chu Lai on the far side of the province.
The camp had originally been built for President Diem, who enjoyed hunting
in the area. The 1st Special Forces detachment (A-727B) arrived in September
1963 and found the outpost to be an ideal border surveillance site with an
existing airfield. The camp was located on a narrow grassy plain surrounded
by rugged, virtually uninhabited jungle. The only village in the area,
located across the airstrip, was occupied by post dependents, camp followers
and merchants. The camp and airstrip were bordered by the Ngok Peng Bum
ridge to the west and Ngok Pe Xar mountain, looming over Kham Duc to the
east. Steep banked streams full of rapids and waterfalls cut through the
tropical wilderness. The Dak Mi River flowed past the camp over a mile
distant, under the shadow of the Ngok Pe Xar.
Five miles downriver was the small forward operating base of Ngok Tavak,
defended by the 113-man 11th Mobile Strike Force Company with its 8 Special
Forces and 3 Australian advisors. Since Ngok Tavak was outside friendly
artillery range, 33 Marine artillerymen of Battery D, 2nd Battalion, 13th
Marines, with two 105mm howitzers were located at the outpost.
Capt. Christopher J. Silva, commander of Detachment A-105 helicoptered into
Ngok Tavak on May 9, 1968 in response to growing signs of NVA presence in
the area. Foul weather prevented his scheduled evening departure. A Kham Duc
CIDG platoon fleeing a local ambush also arrived and was posted to the outer
perimeter. It was later learned that the CIDG force contained VC
Ngok Tavak was attacked by an NVA infantry battalion at 0315 hours on May
10. The base was pounded by mortars and direct rocket fire. As the frontal
assault began, the Kham Duc CIDG soldiers moved toward the Marines in the
fort yelling, "Don't shoot, don't shoot! Friendly, friendly!" Suddenly they
lobbed grenades into the Marine howitzer positions and ran into the fort,
where they shot several Marines with carbines and sliced claymore mine and
communication wires.
The defenders suffered heavy casualties but stopped the main assault and
killed the infiltrators. The NVA dug in along the hill slopes and grenaded
the trenches where the mobile strike force soldiers were pinned by machine
gun and rocket fire. An NVA flamethrower set the ammunition ablaze,
banishing the murky flare- lighted darkness for the rest of the night. SFC
Harold M. Swicegood and the USMC platoon leader, Lt. Adams, were badly
wounded and moved to the command bunker. Medical Spec4 Blomgren reported
that the CIDG mortar crews had abandoned their weapons. Silva tried to
operate the main 4.2 inch mortar but was wounded. At about 0500 hours, Sgt.
Glenn Miller, an A-105 communications specialist, was shot through the head
as he ran over to join the Marine howitzer crews.
The NVA advanced across the eastern side of Ngok Tavak and brought forward
more automatic weapons and rocket-propelled grenade launchers. In
desperation, the defenders called on USAF AC-47 "Spooky" gunships to strafe
the perimeter and the howitzers, despite the possible presence of friendly
wounded in the gun pits. The NVA countered with tear gas, but the wind kept
drifting the gas over their own lines. After three attempts, they stopped. A
grenade fight between the two forces lasted until dawn.
At daybreak Australian Warrant Officers Cameron and Lucas, joined by
Blomgren, led a CIDG counterattack. The North Vietnamese pulled back under
covering fire, and the howitzers were retaken. The Marines fired the last
nine shells and spiked the tubes. Later that morning medical evacuation
helicopters supported by covering airstrikes took out the seriously wounded,
including Silva and Swicegood. Two CH46's were able to land 45 replacements
from the 12th Mobile Strike Force Company, accompanied by Capt. Euge E.
Makowski (who related much of this account to Shelby Stanton, author of
"Green Berets at War"), but one helicopter was hit in the fuel line and
forced down. Another helicopter was hit by a rocket and burst into flames,
wrecking the small helipad. The remaining wounded were placed aboard a
hovering helicopter. As it lifted off, two Mike Force soldiers and 1Lt.
Horace Fleming, one of the stranded aviation crewmen, grabbed the helicopter
skids. All three fell to their deaths after the helicopter had reached an
altitude of over one hundred feet.
The mobile strike force soldiers were exhausted and nervous. Ammunition and
water were nearly exhausted, and Ngok Tavak was still being pounded by
sporadic mortar fire. They asked permission to evacuate their positions, but
were told to "hold on" as "reinforcements were on the way". By noon the
defenders decided that aerial reinforcement or evacuation was increasingly
unlikely, and night would bring certain destruction. An hour later, they
abandoned Ngok Tavak.
Thomas Perry, a medic from C Company, arrived at the camp at 0530 hours the
morning of the 10th. He cared for the wounded and was assisting in an
attempt to establish a defensive perimeter when the decision was made to
evacuate the camp. As survivors were leaving, Perry was seen by Sgt. Cordell
J. Matheney, Jr., standing 20 feet away, as Australian Army Capt. John White
formed the withdrawal column at the outer perimeter wire on the eastern Ngok
Tavak hillside. It was believed that Perry was going to join the end of the
All the weapons, equipment and munitions that could not be carried were
hastily piled into the command bunker and set afire. The helicopter that had
been grounded by a ruptured fuel line was destroyed with a LAW. Sgt.
Miller's body was abandoned.
After survivors had gone about 1 kilometer, it was discovered that Perry was
missing. Efforts were conducted to locate both Perry and Miller, including a
search by a group from Battery D. They were searching along the perimeter
when they were hit by enemy grenades and arms fire. Neither the men on the
team nor Perry was ever found. Included in this team were PFC Thomas
Blackman; LCpl. Joseph Cook; PFC Paul Czerwonka; LCpl. Thomas Fritsch; PFC
Barry Hempel; LCpl. Raymond Heyne; Cpl. Gerald King; PFC Robert Lopez; PFC
William McGonigle; LCpl. Donald Mitchell; and LCpl. James Sargent. The
remaining survivors evaded through dense jungle to a helicopter pickup point
midway to Kham Duc. Their extraction was completed shortly before 1900 hours
on the evening of May 10.
In concert with the Ngok Tavak assault, the Kham Duc was blasted by a heavy
mortar and recoilless rifle attack at 0245 hours that same morning. Periodic
mortar barrages ripped into Kham Duc throughout the rest of the day, while
the Americal Division airmobiled a reinforced battalion of the 196th
Infantry Brigade into the compound. A Special Forces command party also
landed, but the situation deteriorated too rapidly for their presence to
have positive effect.
The mortar attack on fog-shrouded Kham Duc resumed on the morning of May 11.
The bombardment caused heavy losses among the frightened CIDG soldiers, who
fled from their trenches across open ground, seeking shelter in the bunkers.
The LLDB commander remained hidden. CIDG soldiers refused orders to check
the rear of the camp for possible North Vietnamese intruders. That evening
the 11th and 12th Mobile Strike Force companies were airlifted to Da Nang,
and half of the 137th CIDG Company from Camp Ha Thanh was airlanded in
The 1st VC Regiment, 2nd NVA Division, began closing the ring around Kham
Duc during the early morning darkness of 12 May. At about 0415 to 0430
hours, the camp and outlying positions came under heavy enemy attack.
Outpost #7 was assaulted and fell within a few minutes. Outposts #5, #1 and
#3 had been reinforced by Americal troops but were in North Vietnamese hands
by 0930 hours.
OP1 was manned by PFC Harry Coen, PFC Andrew Craven, Sgt. Joseph Simpson,
and SP4 Julius Long from Company E, 2nd of the 1st Infantry. At about 0415
hours, when OP1 came under heavy enemy attack, PFC Coen and SP4 Long were
seen trying to man a 106 millimeter recoilless rifle. Survivors reported
that in the initial enemy fire, they were knocked off their bunker. Both men
again tried to man the gun, but were knocked down again by RPG fire.
PFC Craven, along with two other men, departed the OP at 0830 hours on May
12. They moved out 50 yards and could hear the enemy in their last position.
At about 1100 hours, as they were withdrawing to the battalion perimeter,
they encountered an enemy position. PFC Craven was the pointman and opened
fire. The enemy returned fire, and PFC Craven was seen to fall, with
multiple chest wounds. The other two men were unable to recover him, and
hastily departed the area. PFC Craven was last seen lying on his back,
wounded, near the camp.
OP2 was being manned by 1Lt. Frederick Ransbottom, SP4 Maurice Moore, PFC
Roy Williams, PFC Danny Widner, PFC William Skivington, PFC Imlay Widdison,
and SP5 John Stuller, from the 2nd of the 3rd Infantry [SEE NOTE BELOW] when
it came under attack. Informal questioning of survivors of this position
indicated that PFC Widdison and SP5 Stuller may have been killed in action.
However, the questioning was not sufficiently thorough to produce enough
evidence to confirm their deaths.
The only information available concerning 1Lt. Ransbottom, SP4 Moore, PFC
Lloyd and PFC Skivington that Lt. Ransbottom allegedly radioed PFC Widner
and PFC Williams, who were in the third bunker, and told them that he was
shooting at the enemy as they entered his bunker.
SP4 Juan Jimenez, a rifleman assigned to Company A, 2nd of the 1st Infantry,
was occupying a defensive position when he was severely wounded in the back
by enemy mortar fire. SP4 Jimenez was declared dead by the Battalion Surgeon
in the early morning hours of May 12. He was then carried to the helipad for
evacuation. However, due to the situation, space was available in the
helicopter for only the wounded, and SP4 Jimenez'remains were left behind.
At noon a massive NVA attack was launched against the main compound. The
charge was stopped by planes hurling napalm, cluster bomb units and 750
pound bombs into the final wire barriers. The decision was made by the
Americal Division officers to call for immediate extraction.
The evacuation was disorderly, and at times, on the verge of complete panic.
One of the first extraction helicopters to land was exploded by enemy fire,
blocking the airstrip. Engineers of Company A, 70th Engineer Battalion,
frantically reassembled one of their dozers (previously torn apart to
prevent capture) to clear the runway. Eight more aircraft were blown out of
the sky.
PFC Richard E. Sands was a member of Company A, 1st Battalion, 46th
Infantry, 198th Light Infantry Brigade being extracted on a CH47 helicopter
(serial #67-18475). The helicopter was hit by 50 calliber machine gun fire
at an altitude of 1500-1600 feet shortly after takeoff.
Sands, who was sitting near the door gunner, was hit in the head by an
incoming rounds. The helicopter made a controlled landing and caught fire.
During the evacuation from the burning helicopter, four personnel and a
medic checked PFC Sands and indicated that he had been killed instantly.
Because of the danger of incoming mortar rounds and the fire, personnel
attempting to remove PFC Sands from the helicopter were ordered to abandon
their attempt. The remaining personnel were evacuated from the area later by
another helicopter.
Intense antiaircraft fire from the captured outposts caused grave problems.
Control over the indigenous forces was difficult. One group of CIDG soldiers
had to be held in trenches at gunpoint to prevent them from mobbing the
As evacuation was in progress, members of Company A, 1/46, who insisted on
boarding the aircraft first, shoved Vietnamese dependents out of the way. As
more Americal infantry tried to clamber into the outbound planes, the
outraged Special Forces staff convinced the Air Force to start loading
civilians onboard a C130, then watched as the civilians pushed children and
weaker adults aside.
The crew of the U.S. Air Force C130 aircraft (serial #60-0297) consisted of
Maj. Bernard Bucher, pilot; SSgt. Frank Hepler, flight engineer; Maj. John
McElroy, navigator; 1Lt. Steven Moreland, co-pilot; George Long, load
master; Capt. Warren Orr, passenger, and an undetermined number of
Vietnamese civilians.
The aircraft reported receiving ground fire on takeoff. The Forward Air
Control (FAC) in the area reported that the aircraft exploded in mid-air and
crashed in a fire ball about one mile from camp. All crew and passengers
were believed dead, as the plane burned quickly and was completely destroyed
except for the tail boom. No remains were recovered from the aircraft.
Capt. Orr was not positively identified by U.S. personnel as being aboard
the aircraft. He was last seen near the aircraft helping the civilians to
board. However, a Vietnamese stated that he had seen Capt. Orr board the
aircraft and later positively identified him from a photograph. Rescue
efforts were impossible because of the hostile threat in the area.
At the time the order was given to escape and evade, SP4 Julius Long was was
with Coen and Simpson. All three had been wounded, and were trying to make
their way back to the airfield about 350 yards away. As they reached the
airfield, they saw the last C130 departing. PFC Coen, who was shot in the
stomach, panicked and started running and shooting his weapon at random. SP4
Long tried to catch him, but could not, and did not see PFC Coen again. Long
then carried Sgt. Simpson to a nearby hill, where they spent the night.
During the night, the airfield was strafed and bombed by U.S. aircraft. SP4
Long was hit twice in the back by fragments, and Sgt. Simpson died during
the night. SP4 Long left him lying on the hill near the Cam Duc airfield and
started his escape and evasion toward Chu Lai, South Vietnam. SP4 Long was
captured and was released in 1973 from North Vietnam.
The Special Forces command group was the last organized group out of the
camp. As their helicopter soared into the clouds, Kham Duc was abandoned to
advancing NVA infantry at 4:33 p.m. on May 12, 1968. The last Special Forces
camp on the northwestern frontier of South Vietnam had been destroyed.
Two search and recovery operations were conducted in the vicinity of OP1 and
OP2 and the Cam Duc airfield on July 18, 1970 and August 17, 1970. In these
operations, remains of personnel previously reported missing from this
incident were recovered and subsequently identified. (SP4 Bowers, PFC Lloyd,
Sgt. Sisk, PFC Guzman-Rios and SSgt. Carter). However, extensive search and
excavation could not be completed at OP1 and OP2 because of the tactical
It was assumed that all the missing at Kham Duc were killed in action until
about 1983, when the father of one of the men missing discovered a Marine
Corps document which indicated that four of the men had been taken prisoner.
The document listed the four by name. Until then, the families had not been
advised of the possibility there were any American prisoners taken other
than Julius Long. A Vietnamese rallier identified the photograph of Roy C.
Williams and John C. Stuller as positively having been POWs.
Until proof is obtained that the rest of the men lost at Ngok Tavak and Kham
Duc are dead, their families will always wonder if they are among those said
to still be alive in Southeast Asia.
From - Tue Dec 28 07:58:10 1999
From: Jim Quisenberry
I was a member of Co B, 2/1, 196th LIB in May, 1968 and was at Kham Duc. I
read with interest your account of William Edward Skivington, Jr., MIA at
Kham Duc on May 12, 1968. It is reported that he was a member of the 2/3,
199 LIB. The 199th never was in Kham Duc. That Brigade was in the Saigon
area. Far to the South.
In fact, Skivington was a member of Recon, Co E, 2/1, 196th LIB. He is MIA
but more realistically KIA, body not recovered. He was on an outpost that
was over run in the early morning of May 12 (Mother's Day), 1968.
Several of the members of the Kham Duc Club, which includes members of all
branches of the services, are trying to correct the many inaccuracies that
have been reported on Kham Duc. I accept that your research has indicated
that Skivington was with the 199th. I have seen several references to that
fact. Your bio on Skivington says at about 2/3's of the way thru that ...
OP2 was being manned by 1Lt. Frederick Ransbottom, SP4 Maurice Moore,
PFC Roy Williams, PFC Danny Widner, PFC William Skivington, PFC Imlay
Widdison, and SP5 John Stuller, from the 2nd of the 3rd Infantry when
it came under attack. Informal questioning of survivors of this
position indicated that PFC Widdison and SP5 Stuller may have been
killed in action. However, the questioning was not sufficiently
thorough to produce enough evidence to confirm their deaths.
We feel that this typo (2nd of the 3rd Infantry, which was a unit of the
199th) has led to this incorrect identification of Skivington's
unit. Where this originated is difficult to determine. You were relying
on data that you obtained and relied on it as correct, which it isn't.
We ask that you change the reference of Skivington's unit to at least the
2nd Battalion, 1st infantry, 196th Infantry brigade or better yet, to honor
those other men of Recon, Co E, to list it as Recon, Co E, 2/1, 196th LIB.
I would be glad to provide more documentation on this subject, as
needed. Feel free to e-mail.
Jim Quisenberry
E-mail: quisenberry@dallas.dowell.slb.com
Proud member of the 196th LIB Association and Kham Duc Association
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