Remains returned September 1987
Name: Michael Joseph Bosiljevac
Rank/Branch: O3/US Air Force
Unit: 17th Wild Weasels, 388th Tactical Fighter Wing, Korat RTAFB
Date of Birth: 09 October 1945
Home City of Record: Omaha NE
Date of Loss: 29 September 1972
Country of Loss: North Vietnam
Loss Coordinates: 210200N 1052200E (WJ380256)
Status (in 1973): Missing In Action
Category: 2
Aircraft/Vehicle/Ground: F105G
Refno: 1930
Other Personnel In Incident: James W. O'Neil (released POW)
Source: Compiled by Homecoming II Project 01 April 1990 from one or more of
the following: raw data from U.S. Government agency sources, correspondence
with POW/MIA families, published sources, interviews. Updated by the P.O.W.
SYNOPSIS: Lt.Col. James W. O'Neil was the pilot and Capt. Michael J.
Bosiljevac the EWO (Electronic Warfare Officer) of an F105G jet fighter
which was shot down by a Soviet SAM (Surface to Air Missile) on September
29, 1972. Both Bosiljevac and O'Neil ejected successfully, and landed 23
miles southwest of Hanoi. Radio Hanoi/Moscow/Cuba reported the capture of
both "pilots" alive (FIBIS) on 29 September 1972. O'Neil was subsequently
transferred to Hoa Lo (the "Hanoi Hilton") and repatriated March 29, 1973.
Upon his release, O'Neil stated that he had observed Bosiljevac in the
parachute, and that Bosiljevac had manually cut the parachute risers for
control and deployed his survival kit for landing. On about the fifth day of
his confinement O'Neil asked an English-speaking turnkey about Bosiljevac.
The turnkey later returned and said, "He is alive, well, uninjured, and
luckier than you."
Repeated USG, as well as family, inquiries met with little response from the
DRV/SRV. In fact, the Socialists Republic of Vietnam (SRV) wrote to the
family of Mike Bosiljevac and claimed to have "no knowledge of Mr. Michael
Joseph Bosiljevac," and further stated that "they no longer hold prisoners
within Vietnam."
Yet, on September 21, 1987, the government of Vietnam provided Bosiljevac's
name and his remains were returned to USG control on September 24, 1987. The
Central Identification Laboratory in Hawaii (CILHI) released the remains for
a second opinion in January of 1988, and final identification occurred in
January 1988. Bosiljevac's remains were returned to Omaha, Nebraska for
burial on February 10, 1988.
On August 1, 1989, Mike Bosiljevac's records were corrected to reflect that
he Died in Captivity. While this correction does not define the total
duration of his captivity, it stands as a matter of record.
Michael J. Bosiljevac was promoted to the rank of Major during the period he
was maintained in Missing in Action status.
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