Name: William Angus Kerr
Rank/Branch: United States Marine Corps/O3
Unit: VMA AW 224
Date of Birth:15 December 1945
Home City of Record: Golden CO
Date of Loss: 12 June 1972
Country of Loss: North Vietnam
Loss Coordinates: 202520 North 1061008 East
Status (in 1973): Returnee
Aircraft/Vehicle/Ground: A6A
Other Personnel in Incident: Roger Wilson, remains returned 1988
Refno: 1872
Source: Compiled by P.O.W. NETWORK from one or more of the following: raw
data from U.S. Government agency sources, correspondence with POW/MIA
families, published sources, interviews.
SYNOPSIS: The Grumman A6 Intruder is a two-man all weather, low-altitude,
carrier-based attack plane, with versions adapted as aerial tanker and
electronic warfare platform. The A6A primarily flew close-air-support,
all-weather and night attacks on enemy troop concentrations, and night
interdiction missions. Its advanced navigation and attack system, known as
DIANE (Digital Integrated Attack navigation Equipment) allowed small precision
targets, such as bridges, barracks and fuel depots to be located and attacked
in all weather conditions, day or night. The planes were credited with some of
the most difficult single-plane strikes in the war, including the destruction
of the Hai Duong bridge between Hanoi and Haiphong by a single A6. Their
missions were tough, but their crews among the most talented and most
courageous to serve the United States.
In Vietnam, Capt. Roger E. Wilson was an A6A pilot from Detachment C, VMA 224.
On June 11, 1972, he and Capt. Willam Angus were sent on a combat mission
over Nam Ha Province, North Vietnam. The aircraft was hit by ground fire,
and crashed in a lake on the north edge of the city of Nam Dinh. Wilson was
listed as Missing in Action. Although further details are unknown, the
latitude and longitude of loss for the two men are different in government
Reports received through intelligence sources indicate that Wilson was probably
dead, and U.S. analysts concluded that, alive or dead, the Vietnamese
definitely knew his fate. Inexplicably, however, Capt. Wilson was maintained in
a Missing in Action status, rather than that of Prisoner of War. Wilson's name
was not on the 1973 list compiled by Henry Kissinger of "discrepancy" cases on
which it was felt the Vietnamese had ready information.
Since the war ended, several score remains have returned from Vietnam through
negotiations, but not those of Capt. Wilson. Progress on the remains issue has
been tediously slow, even though reliable information indicates that the
Vietnamese "stockpiled" hundreds of American bodies.
Even more frustrating is the issue of the men whom most authorities believe to
be alive. U.S. Government has conducted "over 250,000 interviews" and analyzed
"several million" documents since the war ended related to Americans still
missing, prisoner or unaccounted for from the Vietnam war, but has been unable
to make the conclusive official statement that Americans are still held
Critics say that the U.S. Government is unwilling to pay the price of freedom
for the men who were left behind and who are still alive. Capt. Roger E. Wilson
was willing to pay the price for freedom. How would he judge our actions in
securing the freedom of those we left behind?
SOURCE: WE CAME HOME copyright 1977
Captain and Mrs. Frederic A Wyatt (USNR Ret), Barbara Powers Wyatt, Editor
P.O.W. Publications, 10250 Moorpark St., Toluca Lake, CA 91602
Text is reproduced as found in the original publication (including date and
spelling errors).
Captain - United States Marine Corps
Shot Down: June 11, 1972
Released: March 28, 1973
I was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in the Marine Corps after graduating from
Colorado State University in June of 1968 and received my wings in October of
1969. My future plans are uncertain, though they will center around my
family, living in Scottsdale, Arizona, which includes my sister,
brother-in-law, nephew and niece.
After being shot down and captured in June of 1972, "life" had ended, I
thought. But in my loneliness and despair I re-met God, and only His presence
can be credited with the uplifting of my spirit and soul at this most critical
juncture in my life. In time I met other American prisoners whose inspiration,
courage, and sacrifices provided a foundation of unified strength and mutual
aid that sustained my faith and love in America. With the help of God and my
fellow Americans I was reborn.
May I never forget the lessons of brotherly love and faith in a Supreme Being
that I learned during captivity. But I'm fortunate; the men still missing and
their families and loved ones and the many who have given their lives for our
country will forever be paramount in my prayers and thoughts.
Words will never describe the feelings in my heart generated by the warmth and
kindness of the American people on my return. The determination, courage, and
love of America displayed by the American People will be an image forever
implanted in my mind. May I end now by saying, from myself and my family,
"God Bless America, and Thank You, each and every one of you."
November 1996
After his release, William Angus left the Marine Corps. He and his wife Mimi
reside in Colorado.
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